One of my transgender hookup experiences

Do you feel very insecure and unconfident about your identity as a transgender woman? Do you always think you're a loser and can't find a suitable trans dating partner? Why do I ask these two questions? Because that's how I was before. I was in a state of self-doubt every day, fantasizing about finding a good tinder trans date, but not knowing where to start. I also imagined that I had a beautiful encounter just like the hero and heroine in the movie.

I guess every transgender woman goes through a very hard time. This is because the society is not tolerant enough of tinder trans and crossdresser people. When you go through this tough time, if you don't let it get you down, you will grow into a very strong person. Here I'd like to share a word about my own experience with transgender dating.

I grew up the same way most trans people do, and I was lucky to have parents who understood me very well. Because they understood that my childhood wasn't terribly bad. But for all that, I'm not that confident as a transgender girl. A casual transgender date changed my life forever.

I met my first transgender hookup partner through a lesser-known trans gender app. I originally downloaded the crossdresser app just to give it a try, not expecting to find some of my favorite dating partners on the transgender hookup app. After using the transgender hook up app for about a week, I became interested in a man. Because his appearance is just my ideal. I hesitated for a long time to say hello to him, and finally I plucked up the courage to say hello to him. He didn't refuse to talk to me after he knew I was a transgender person through my self-description and label in my dating profile. On the contrary, he developed a strong interest in me. He said he didn't know any trans girls before, I was the first one he knew.

He was a very gentle man, and although he didn't know much about us transgender people, he never asked embarrassing questions or just to satisfy his curiosity. He and I decided to meet after knowing each other sometime on the crossdresser dating app. I also asked him if he would accept a transgender girlfriend, and he didn't answer me right away. A few days later, he told me that he had been thinking about it for a long time, he said that he liked me as a person and would not change the fact that he liked me just because I was a transgender woman. I was deeply moved by his words. I knew this was the ladyboy dating partner I'd been looking for.

We finally met at a local coffee shop. When I first saw him in real life, all my eyes were attracted to him. We had a very pleasant ladyboy dating date. He's no different in real life than he is on the crossdresser dating app. I really enjoyed my time with him. That is the experience I want to share with you.